committed to the poles
I grew up in a matriarchal culture, that is to say ruled by women, in which each individual is considered sovereign in the role assigned to him to ensure the preservation and expansion of the clan. Gender equality is a concept that goes without saying in my culture >Lire la suite
Sophia PangAdventurer • Singapore “Whenever people ask, I always say that I am an “accidental adventurer” – to inspire and motivate ordinary individuals to believe in their potential to dream big and achieve extraordinary feats” On 29 December 2009, Sophia Pang became the first Singaporean woman to ski to the South Pole. Sophia, together with… >Lire la suite
Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout (EN) Exploratrice • France “Je n’ai jamais été guidée par la volonté d’être la première femme à réaliser un exploit mais je ne voulais pas non plus que cela me limite. Chaque fois que ma condition semblait être un obstacle à la réalisation de mes rêves, je me suis employée à inventer moi-même… >Lire la suite
Felicity AstonScientist and exploreur • United Kingdom “To this day, it is assumed that polar expedition completed by women must be somehow lesser in its physical achievement that similar journeys undertaken by their male contemporaries” Felicity Aston MBE is a British Polar Explorer, Research Scientist and Author. In the year 2000 she was posted to… >Lire la suite