Farewell Michel Rocard!

MichelRocard juin2016

July 2016

Farewell Michel Rocard!

On June 14th 2016, Michel Rocard made the official presentation of the French National Roadmap for the Arctic, whose development he has chaired for the last two and a half years at the ministry for Foreign Affairs. Seventeen days later he passed away. The Cercle Polaire, of which Michel Rocard has been honorary president for the last seven years, and with whom he has had a true and sincere relationship, will soon pay homage to him. Farewell Michel, we will miss you. You can rely on us to keep on fighting for the preservation of the polar regions.

New hommages and testimonies are available : Icelandic President Grimson, Madeleine Griselin, Ragnar Axelsson, Hervé Baudu…

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