MESSAGE FROM THE POLES, opening of the photo exhibition on June,5, 2025

Opening June 5, Galerie Basia Embiricos, 14 rue des jardins de Saint-Paul, 4e arrondissement, Paris.

With the participation of ten renowned photographers: Ragnar AXELSSON (Iceland), Tiina ITKONEN (Finland), Sebastian COPELAND (USA), Tom ZYDLER (Poland), Emmanuelle PÉRIÉ-BARDOUT (France), Jean-Marie SEVENO (France), Sue FLOOD (UK), Ian DAWSON (UK), Daisy GILARDINI (Canada) et Frédérique OLIVIER (Australia).

MESSAGE FROM THE POLES. The Last place on Earth devoted to Nature, Peace and Science. Yes, but until when ?
Long preserved by their remoteness and inaccessibility, the high Arctic and Antarctic, the last unspoilt lands and seas on our planet, are seeing their equilibrium threatened by climate change, global energy demand and the disorder of global geopolitics. The poles are a place of inspiration and an ideal for photographers and artists from all over the world. Listening to the message from the poles, beyond the clichés that are common about them, that is the ambition of this original collective artistic action.