Jean-Claude Gascard


flag france Océanographe • France

Jean-Claude Gascard est directeur de recherche CNRS au laboratoire d’océanographie et du climat, expérimentations et approches numériques de l’université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (LOCEAN), à Paris. Spécialiste de l’océan Glacial arctique, il a effectué de nombreuses missions sur le terrain et a coordonné le programme européen DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies). Il est le coordonnateur du programme européen ACCESS 2011-2015 (Arctic Climate Change Economy and Society).


• Gascard, J.-C. et al., Exploring Arctic Transpolar Drift During Dramatic Sea Ice Retreat. EOS, Vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 21-23, 15 January 2008
• Proshutinsky, A, Morison, J., Ashik, I., Carmack, E., Frolov, I., Gascard, J.-C., Itoh, I., Krishfield, R., McLaughlin, F., Polyakov, I., Rudels, B., Schauer, U., Shimada, K., Sololov, V.. Steele, M., Timmermanns, M.-L-, Toole, J. (2008) 5. The Poles, 3) Ocean. In D.H. Levinson and J.H. Lawrimore (eds) State of the climate in 2007, Special supplement to the Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, Vol 89, No 7, 586-589.
• Dushaw, Au, Beszczynska-Möller, Brainard, Chiu, Cornuelle, Duda, Dzieciuch, Fahrbach, Forbes, Freitag, Gascard, Gavrilov, Gould, Howe, Jayne, Johannessen, Lynch, Martin, Menemenlis, Mikhalevsky, Miller, Munk, Nystuen, Odom, Orcutt, Tossby, Sagen, Sandven, Simmen, Skarsoulis, Stephen, Vinogradov, Worcester and Wunsh. « A Global Ocean Acoustic Observing Network. » Accepted community paper to OceanObs09, September 2009.
• Gascard, J.-C. Public Service Review : European Union, issue 16 – « The European Research on Climate; The International Polar Year and the Damocles Project… « 
• Gascard, J.-C. « The European Integrated Project DAMOCLES 2005 -2009; A european contribution to the International Polar Year »
• Gascard, J.-C. The Parliament, European Politics and Policy Magazine, issue 255, 29 October 2007 « Environment and Climate Change in the Arctic Ocean reported by DAMOCLES